July 11, 2019
July 11, 2019 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On July 11
Topics Created On July 11, 2019
- Are libras insincere
I am a Libra born on the 2nd decan and I wonder if as Libras we have the tendency to be insincere to people we don’t know well or to people we see only in the office.
I have no problems talking to people in the office and hearing about there problems at
- Trump hotel emoluments case dismissed by appeals court in Virginia
Case dismissed with prejudice:
"The 4th Circuit found the two jurisdictions lack standing to pursue their claims against the president, and gr
- Sooooooooooo...
@brianafay what happened??
I stopped to get some drink and Sonic on the way home. Give me juicy details!
- Morning After Pill
For those of you who have taken the morning after pill, did you get side effects? If so, how long did it take for the side effects to go away?
- My boyfriend expects me to cook even when we fight
Hi. I just want an opinion because I don't know if my boyfriend is being a jerk. We live together and I cook breakfast and dinner everyday (except for the weekends). I also work full time.
When my boyfriend and I fight I'm not in the mood to cook. I can
- ❤️ LVP ❤️
- Depression?
So I had a super shitty end of 2018 and start of 2019 and I was pretty sure I’d get depressed etc but that didn’t really happen.
Looking at the recent thread about what traits people would want from other signs Confidence is definitely the one associated
- Ending the relationship
I’m hoping you could help me. I’ve been friends with an Aqua man for ten years. I’ve been the one to reach out, and generous with my time and money. He has never returned the favor and I’m done. What is the best way to end the friendship? I’m deeply distr
- Which zodiac...?
Tends to look younger than their age.
And which looks older than their age.
- should I give up on this cancer man?
Him: cancer sun/moon with a leo rising
me: sag sun, gemini moon, Taurus rising
About two months ago I met this cancer man. we go to the same university so I had seen him around before but we have never exchanged words. I would often catch him staring at
- Least Favorite Aspects
Ok, lets talk about what are least favorite aspects are and why.
In Synastry and Composite I HATE #1. Mercury Square Saturn #2 Moon Square Neptune (I always attract it, YEPPY)
and Venus Square Saturn... Oh and an honorable mention goes to Venus Square U
- gemini men....your experiences with cancer women
positive...negative....friendship....or love...
whats your experience with the lunar maidens? ;)
- My bestfriend (Scorpio) expects me to videotape his cat even when we fight
Hi. I just want an opinion because I don't know if my bestfriend is being a jerk. We live together and I videotape his cat everyday (except for the weekends). I also work full time.
When my bestfriend and I fight I'm not in the mood to videotape his cat