July 13, 2019
July 13, 2019 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 5.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On July 13
Topics Created On July 13, 2019
- Amazing relationship with beautiful girl, but not completely satisfied in life/desires.
My chart: My Girlfriend's Chat: (Don't know houses)
Sun: Virgo (11th House) Sun: Sagittarius
Moon: Pisces (4th House)
Mercury: Virgo (10th House
- Amazing Relationship With Beautiful Girl, But Not Completely Satisfied With Desires/Life
Read/review my chart and my girlfriend's chart before reading the post. Also, this is an EXTREMELY LONG POST but PLEASE READ IT ALL, it will be worth your time, guarantee, & I need help lol so help me.
My chart:
Sun: Virgo (11th House)
Moon: Pisce
- Amazing Relationship With Beautiful Girl, But Not Completely Satisfied With Desires/Life.
Read/review my chart and my girlfriend's chart before reading the post. Also, this is an EXTREMELY LONG POST but PLEASE READ IT ALL, it will be worth your time, guarantee, & I need help lol so help me.
My chart:
Sun: Virgo (11th House)
Moon: Pisce
- Aries in a bad mood
How do you act toward your partner if you are upset, agitated, angry, frustrated...and it has nothing to do with your partner...
What do you expect from your partner at the time when you are jumping out of your skin?
What would be the best action that yo
- Crush
If someone has a crush on you and sort of know it, will you ever approach them? (provided you don't dislike them and it's in an office environment)
- sharing the same planetary ruler= addictive physical attraction +natural affinity
GRADE A sex + a feeling that you've met an EQUAL
Virgo and Gemini (a meeting of minds)
"These two are often attracted to each other physically – they tend to be lithe and move through space elegantly – many Geminis are dancers and every third Virgo is a
- My sister likes my ex boyfriend
He’s an ex so who cares right? That’s what I tell myself. Except this was going on even before we broke up. Before my ex and I were officially dating we knew each other for years. One day my sister mentioned that she saw this guy that she found really at
- Air signs talk too much
The only signs I have to walk away from mid conversation. As soon as they see you its yap yap yap.
They dont want I to talk. They just want u to listen to a bunch of non sense
- Hot then cold Scorpio Man
I am a Leo woman and I have been talking to a Scorpio man for 3 months and our sex life is amazing and our connection is good. He has been so hot and cold with me though, he has days where he texts me all day, ask me to come over and come see him at his j
- Distant Leo ex/best friend
I am a Leo woman and my ex is a Leo male. We are now best friends but lately he has been acting so different. We were friends for 2 years before we started dating and then relationship wise we lasted 4 years, we ended on good terms because he decided we w