July 31, 2019
July 31, 2019 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 5.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On July 31
Topics Created On July 31, 2019
- my libra husband always yelling and raising his voice at me
we have been married for almost 4 years and this year my husband started to yell/raise his voice at me, and it gets more frequent lately.
recently he raised his voice at me in public at the mall because I complaint to him about gettin a parking spot at o
- Virguy + Libra
I know there is a virguy here posting on Libra board sometimes. I want to ask general questions when you started out and how you adjusted to each other over time
This guy comes charging in like horse. I just learned recently he has leo stellium (moon, ve
- Does synastry apply when the meeting isn't physical?
Like if two people had mever met in persom but talked over the phone. How would contacts like Mars/Pluto/Venus-Moon or Venus/Sun in the others 8th house play out?
- Fanciest Job Titles
*Cat Psychiatrist
- So sad...
As a Taurus, plagiarized by many pretendin that they r Taurus, such a fake news btw, so they can say yup I got the biggest diiick in the universe; weighing heavier thn 10 black holes combine & spannin over 100million light yrs away, anyway so I been f
- Would you recommend that I watch U2's concert in December?
I just think they might be too old for this shit
- Looking up ex's or past flings/relationships on social media
Is that ok when you are in a relationship? Why do people do it? I have done it because I'm curious and that's all really. Any thoughts?
- Do you ever go back to ex's or when you move on you are done?
I have sag rising and can so relate to sag people. I was also with a sag for 8 years whom I loved dearly.
Do you ever go back or move on? Kind of when you are done you are done or can you be friends?
- Want Taurus Man Back
Post Break Up. Me trying to go no contact for three weeks. Missing him. Not sure what to do. I was at the local pub where we would meet. I was in a meeting and he came in and I avoided eye contact by staying focused on my meeting. Then I left. After I
- Why is my topic not appearing on the Taurus forum?
I posted a thread about a Taurus guy I've been dating for a few months, but it's not showing on the Taurus forum. Is there a reason as to why, please? It would be nice to have more output, especially from honourable Taurus members. Are there posting restr