July 27, 2019
July 27, 2019 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 1.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On July 27
Topics Created On July 27, 2019
- Is this Taurus man interested at all?
We met online through a social media site. I posted some song lyrics and he wrote me continuing the lyrics. I thought it was cute, then he proceeded to send me a couple cheesy pick up lines that were funny. I found it to be charming and different from the
- Pisces guy question
This is bugging me to the extent I am on here wondering what the hell. I am a 44 year old MARRIED woman. About 5 years ago, in a circle of long outstanding friends, I met a pisces young guy who was 20. I was sitting at a round table with all the friends
- Tarot/Oracle card readers ...
For anyone who has tarot, oracle, or any kind of cards, runes etc, this thread is for one card, (or more) readings for the person above.
If you could state which deck or type of divination you're using, that'd be good.
So my question is.....will my new c
- What turns him on
Long story short I’m having a spontaneous weekend in a couple weeks where I’m flying to a diff city to have a fun night with the most sexiest Pisces ever. We’ve slept together once when we met on a night out and now we will spend a night in a hotel room..
- Deception and astrology
what have you observed in the chart (placements/aspects) of the biggest liar you've ever encountered?
besides the fact that they are mutables?
- Telepathy in Astrology
What do you think?