July 8, 2019
July 8, 2019 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On July 8
Topics Created On July 8, 2019
- Are all Aries with Scorpio moon like this??
Are all Aries with Scorpio moon so paranoid and controling?
How do you even deal with these people?!
- Stranger Things "joyce"
Just like scorpio women, everything close to her always dies or almost dies.
- Question for the socially competent people of DXP
Firstly, Hi, how are you.
And on with the topic,
There's this website I visit occasionally to alleviate sudden boredom. I've visited it for years, I've been active both frequently, and infrequently. For several years now, there seems to be a completely
- Any experience?
- When Virgos start becoming overly critical...?
When virgos start becoming overly critical, is it a good thing or bad thing? My partner and I have been living together for about a year and a half now but I feel like she’s become more critical.
She’s always criticized me in the past about certain things
- Attraction to the sign of your rising/ASC
Are you attracted to the sign of your rising/ASC?
the descendant/7H refers to partnersip or the kind of person that you might seek out in a relationship but if your rising/ASC is something you aspire to be/emulate to 'evolve' to in the future then that
- Can cancers tell when someone likes them?
I’m a Capricorn female who just realized I have a crush on my cancer friend. I met him through work, so I never let myself consider it before.
I’m changing jobs now, and it suddenly made sense to me why he was always looking for me and standing near me a
- Best Way to Breakup with Scorpio Man
This is really simple, known this Scorpio guy since 2016 my first post here, lol, we stayed in touch over the two years and I eventually got a job in the same country as he. We began a physical relationship pretty much as soon as I arrived. He's one of
- Trouble with Messages
Anyone else having trouble receiving messages? I have my setting set to receive messages from all users, but some people are still having trouble messaging me.
- Is this what people are doing these days? haha
WTH is this phenomena of people saying "We are both exclusive, but not in a full-on relationship".... what does that even mean?!
That seems backwards as hell.
- Free tarot readings everyone!
Hay!! What’s going on? I’ve been doing readings for friends & family for years now and just decided to get into 2019 in the digital world! Lol. I do private readings as well! So check it out! Thanks ♈️♉️♊️♋️♌️♍️♎️♏️♐️♑️♒️♓️https://www.youtube.com/chan
- Still no kiss?
Him: ♈
We've hung out at least 7 times now, probably more. I met him on a dating app, he said on his profile "looking for someone to hang out with". So maybe that's all he's looking for, he's been in some long term dramatic relationships. So mayb
- Youtube is making a new K-Pop Girl band...WTF
- Is she genuine with me?
Hi guys...I have a question regarding a female acquaintance (if I can call her that) whom I met in September of 2017 at Marc Jacobs store in Beverly Hills. She is from overseas and was traveling through NY and LA (the city where I live) with her mom at th
- Blue Bell Ice Cream Lickers
Come on TX and LA, what in the fuck are you guys doing?
Guess the sign that is likely doing this shit. lol
- Free tarot readings if your interested!
Hi everyone. Deeply interested in astrology, numerology & tarot. Click the link if your interested in a free general reading :) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsuOXy1WxKuqIQBp386buag
- Flirting
Why do some people take it the wrong way, even though it's a nice gesture? Even giving compliments can be taken wrong way. Just cause u flirt doesn't mean u want a relationship with someone. Why do people have these kinds of expectations when ur only tryi
- virgo woman and cancer man -- updated
alright so I've been talking to this cancer and I previously posted about this
things were great, we went from dating, casually seeing each other, to hooking up as we went out on dates. he changed his mood cause of cultural differences, etc and wanted to
- Confusing Virgo man
(For context, I'm a Sag Sun, Sag Rising, with Venus in Aqua)
About a month and half ago I met this Virgo man on Tinder. Very shy, a bit socially awkward, but seemed like he was very determined to be in a serious relationship. I went on vacatio
- Crush on Virgo coworker, who is not single
Hello folks. New story, new crush. So this isn't as cute as my previous post about a certain dude, but this dude surely is as cute!
So I work with this guy, always thought he was cute but held back because I thought things would be well with the Aquariu