January 11, 2019
January 11, 2019 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 6.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On January 11
Topics Created On January 11, 2019
- 2019 DXPIL CUP Questions Thread
- I Got Another Booster Shot
For not trusting these hoes...
My roommate is woman.
She dates a really nice dude. They just met in August.
He has a Mustang GT, thousand dollar paychecks, spoils her, takes her out, etc...The typical nice guy shit.
Me and her boyfriend talked about th
- Ghosted by an aries?
I think I got ghosted by an aries? I was talking to an aries (m) long distance for 6 months now. Before the holiday season he was going on a trip to where he had no service so I was already expecting to not hear from him until the first week of January an
- Is Black Nova, Still Around?
- Who is Compatible?
Sun: Libra
Moon: Taurus
Venus: Virgo
Mercury: Scorpio
Mars: Scorpio
- Do thoughts and affirmations about a specific person being brought into your life still count?
(cont.) towards the law of attraction?
Especially if you're actively working to bring yourself to a position where you feel it'll become possible? We live in the same general area so it isn't like I'm trying to do something much more difficult like attrac
- Memes
Drop them memes off right here
- My ex girlfriend came back
Long story short: few days ago I received a text from my ex gf saying she wants to get back to me. The reason I broke up with her was because she was always acting distant claiming she was busy (she wasn't, i was just not in her priority list).. Our relat
- What can I do, to make this leo man leave me alone for good?
I’m completely serious.
I want to get rid of this leo man, he been chasing for more than 6 months
He ask me to marry him more than 5 times.
I start to feel like he will never leave me alone
He is a business man, and ask to be his partner in work t