January 17, 2019
January 17, 2019 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On January 17
Topics Created On January 17, 2019
- How to apologize to Capricorn? Is this true???
Found this on all zodiac signs. But, the below description struck me! Is it true Caps? It seems to be about Capricorn females though..
Honestly, good luck getting Capricorn to forgive you. It rarely happens.
She is about as unforgiving as they come, so
- Do Libras and Libra Risings share the same level of beauty?
- Describe sexuality for a Virgo with Pluto in Scorpio
I've been talking to this girl, a Virgo with her Pluto in Scorpio. I'm including her chart below.
We've been talking about birth charts and stuff, and she's challenged me to describe her sexuality based on her birth chart... specifically, any fantasies,
- What birth chart placements are the most loyal, & unloyal?
I’ve heard that having a lot of fire in your chart makes you unloyal, while having earth does. What’s your opinion?
- Snapping Back - Here’s to 2019
I really haven’t been on since I had that devastating hard Neptune-infused mess (not a relationship- a mess) from April-June. I want to be back though and talk astrology. I’ve missed this.
An update for those who are still here and know me, I actually m
- Love hate with Aries
Long story short. I was supposed to meet up with my aries ex and basically have a once off casual sex?
I can to my senses and told him I couldn't do that to me because I respect what we had and I can't treat him like a booty call.
He said he completel
- Sagittarius Ex not allowing me to move on by being vague
I don't wanna put my personal shit on here but this is irritating me he has been juggling over and over about his feelings,situation,feeling guilty but not giving a fck that i want to move on..
So his shit is still here he still needs to give me my keys
- Calling all Cancers: I need guidance
Have you ever met someone you have an instant spark with? Like you've known them forever? I need some guidance on what this cancer man is thinking!!
I went on a date with a cancer man a week ago and we had a really good time. Later in the evening, his fr
- Am I wrong for breaking up with someone with no proof of cheating?
He’s def cheated before and I remember all the signs & “gut feelings” I had during the time. It would even be in my dreams. I’m an aqua sun, Leo moon, aqua Venus. He’s a Gemini, Aries moon, Taurus Venus. We’ve been fighting a lot lately. Basically I g
- Women driving trucks
Scenario: you’re driving and you pull up next to a nice truck and you look over and there’s a chick driving it
Do you make an assumption?
Is she a tomboy?
Is it her dad or husband’s truck?
Do you hit on her ?
- Venus Conjunct Mars
Where y'all at?
And how do you feel about this aspect? (Whether you have it or not)
Natal, not synastry.
- My Aries Bf sleeps with escorts
My bf sleeps with hookers behind my back. He denies it of course but I know he does because of evidence. Mainly change in our sex life and other things.
How on earth can I get him to admit it. He still sees me whenever I want but I want him to come clean