January 29, 2019
January 29, 2019 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 6.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On January 29
Topics Created On January 29, 2019
- Thoughts/opinions on these placements
Does anyone have any thoughts on these placements for a man:
Sun - taurus
Moon - leo
Venus - cancer
Mars - libra
Mercury - taurus
Asc - unknown
He is stubborn af and a workaholic.
- What do you think of this compatibility ?
Girl side
Sun Leo 14°15'
Moon Sagittarius 25°11'
Mercury Leo 24°51'
Venus Leo 10°27'
Mars Libra 10°09'
Jupiter Sagittarius 5°34'
Saturn Pisces 23°56' R
Uranus Capricorn 27°50' R
Neptune Capricorn 23°37' R
- Tell Me About Polish Women
Are they conservative?
- Need Advice
Hi, We are both Libras... My bf has been very insecure in our relationship from the very start. the reason being was my relationship with my ex. We broke up a few years ago but we have remained friend ..just friends who have no attraction whatsoever towar
- Oh California LOL
Now, the Pledge of Allegiance is coming under attack.
Your freedom of speech is being threatened and nobody cares
Yes, I know it’s the daily wire. However, no left leaning outlets are even reporting on this
- Confusing Capricorn
Firstly let me just say Im a Libra and he's on the Capricorn/Aquarius Cusp.
We started dating 3 weeks ago. First date...amazingly well. He text me on my way home asking to set up another for the day after. Second date...also amazingly well. He ended up
- YAY! im moving in with my taurus
Believe it or not you and this forum have help me make sense of this Taurus of mine.
you have help me look at my choices and action and adjust them accordingly when im in the wrong
and also have help me understand and communicate better with my bull when
- As a Virgo, what are the perks of dating a Taurus woman