January 15, 2019
January 15, 2019 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 1.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On January 15
Topics Created On January 15, 2019
- Astrology Symbols Origin story...
Do you relate to this description of your sun sign?
(wait till I post all 12 to answer pls)
- What aspects/planets/ASC would cause a man to have more feminine features?
Asking for a friend... 😣😢🙃😔
- Man Cave Gut Check
How many of you wears one of these, either on a protest or because your SO wants you to?:
- Scorpio Men , for those who have been with a Cancer Woman. i want to hear alllll about it.
Were you guys as compatible as they say you are with Cancerians ? The good and the bad , let me know how you felt about this match 🥰
- You have a chance to write a letter to
Your younger self, ..what would've you tell him/her now!? State your sign as well ;)
- Virgo man hot and cold help!
So I started talking to this Virgo man he is a Virgo Sun & Virgo moon Venus in Leo.
He came on very strong at first calling me any chance he could, texting me non stop, telling me he liked me so much. Even told me he was scared because he was alread
- Need advice: Virgo man withdrawing
So basically this guy seemed to be obsessed with me. Calling any chance he got, texting non stop, never failed to tell me how beautiful I am, that he wanted to be with me, etc. we have also had convos where he has told me he was so scared and that he was
- Who Would Win In A Fight?
Air sign or Fire sign?
- Aries spoken
For those who have nerves not to follow my love life I will repeat.
I am with Aries since 10/3 and he had not missed one morning to wake me up with (Internet) flowers and funny messages, and he keeps in touch in any way possible during the day...
He alre
- Are Aquarius men usually like this?!
Hi guys,
So I matched with this Aquarius on Bumble nearly 4 weeks ago. We have been talking every day all day for the last 3 weeks and he was supposed to make a trip to Dallas to see me last Friday. However he had been sick for the last week so he state
- Virgo man stop initiating contact
I’m dating a older Virgo man and he doesn’t iniate contact but he does take me on dates and we have sex. I told him to stop calling me after being upset that he didn’t check on me all day and he has not responded, should I just move on and give up since h
- Friendzoned?
Met a guy online few weeks ago, were supposed to meet soon, I delayed it because of work. I'm an Aries he's Aquarius, I had a real great connection with him.
He messaged me that he met someone else, our date can still take place but that's all.
- What aspects in a partner would make a Venus in Virgo choose someone in synastry or natally?
- Are we ready for the blood/full moon in (Leo)?
I'm kind of excited but scared at the same time!