January 31, 2019
January 31, 2019 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On January 31
Topics Created On January 31, 2019
- Let's talk about sex with the signs
Let's go to the topic all adult convo eventually flows to 😏. Let's dedicate this thread to some of your best escapades. We focus so much of the negative blah blah..let's have some yummy adult convo
Which placements have you had the best experiences with
- Does anyone else agree that Pagan Min from FC4 would be a Libra Rising?
Dude just has charm out the ass. It's impossible to hate him even after finding out he's a murderous, psychopathic dictator.
- I Definitely Have a Type, What is Yours?
I like women of all races, but I noticed that they all have the same facial structure, characteristics, body type. Especially body type.
I think I'ma post pictures...
- Quick Poll
- Someone Has Been Leading a Double Life
- Your opinion on late-term abortions
- First World Problems...
- Let Me In (Mike Francis, 1984) vs. Woman In Chains (Tears for Fears, 1989)
Which do you prefer?
- Taurus Relationship Timeline
I met my Taurus 2 months ago, and I LOVE everything about him! We text all day every day that we are apart. We have great chemistry, and our relationship is already very serious. I’m a Libra sun, so nothing makes me feel more complete than when I’m in a r
- Libra women evil or what?
I’ve seen a handful of topics about this before and dealing with my ex I can only think, you’re either really indecisive and change your mind every couple of minutes or you know what your doing and it’s just cruel. Shame on me for being so head over heals
- Who Would be Your Pick?
If you could have a threesome what would be your type or even celebrities to have it with?
my pick would be her - https://youtu.be/bxGNyObMErk or if it doesnt show up, the person is Zoe Kravitz
and her - https://youtu.be/AemN7cPSgwM - Eugenie Bouchar
- Best fire sign in bed?
After reading about Aries on this forum... I got to wondering who brings the real fire?!?! Leo, Sag or Aries?!
I can verify Leo and Sag are quite good. Leo would slightly lead that.... never been with an Aries.
Thoughts. Comments. Reviews.
- Scorpio man confusing the ___out of me
We've been on and off for about a year and half now. This month makes 2 months that we've been 'on.' ... but not really.
Since he's reached back out to me we haven't been on one date and on top of that he's such a dry texter. He text me the same few ques