January 26, 2019
January 26, 2019 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On January 26
Topics Created On January 26, 2019
- The relationship with parents and moon signs.
How is your relationship with your parents, the mother, the father?
I’m curious to hear about childhood story, cuz they said that scorpio and virgo moon have hard relationships with the mother
Also aries and gemini, so I don’t know what else is left,
- Taurus Woman
Hi ya’ll for you taurus woman what does it mean when you can’t balance “friend and special friend” with someone? Thanks!
- Some of your fave food + beverages?
I'm looking for inspirations for the upcomings big gathering event at my work that I oversee, we're just collecting menus and recipes at this stage and I'm interested to know some of your favorite food and non-alcoholic beverages. I'm curious of your sun
- Is it true that Virgo Venus women will be celibate for years if they don't have a romantic partner?
Due to their extremely critical nature, is it likely that this could be the case? And does a Virgo Moon making an aspect to Virgo Venus make this planet even more likely?
- will i ever find friends in the US if i stay there?
i'm wondering coz most of my friends and relatives who went to the states don't find friends there. it's weird. why is that so?
- i'm not triggered anymore
felt that i don't need to prove anything to internet strangers anymore. i just have to focus on my life. winning on dxp is nothing compared to winning in life
- which liar would you believe? (bunny version)
the one on the right lies about the girls he has slept with... but that's the only thing he lies about.
the one on the left lies about everything but you can tell when he's lying. also, the clues are found on the things he says but you can decipher the t
- i cooled off with my gf
and now i'm depressed
- Sagittarius and depression, how bout other signs?
- Libra Male...Personality/traits in relationship
Can anyone please let me know , what kind of Libra male is with below chart? Thanks.
Sun : Libra
Ascendant: Cancer
Moon: XII house Cancer
Mercury: IV house Libra
Venus: IV house Libra
Mars: VIII house Aquarius
Jupiter: V house Sagittarius
Saturn: XI hou
- Date ideas
He asked me to take him on a date ? I don’t know if I should take this seriously but any suggestions?
- Anyone with Happy Ending Stories With Capricorn Men?
Please share...
- I Bet My Tool Set is More Expensive than Yours (non-power)
Let's seem them cruddy Home Depot brand tools.
I bet I got better tools than a 50 year-old man with 4 grand kids with shitty bikes.
- Question To my fellows Sagittarius
How would you feel if someone you cut off drops you a present for Valentine's Day at your door even tho we dont talk anymore.? will you think its creepy or you take it in a nice way?
Here's why I want to do this : My ex Sagittarius suffers from Depressi
- We are all African
We are all just migrated Africans.
Race debate is now over. We are all the same.
- Is a Sag women replying to texts at all a good sign?
So long story short, we'd been having brief convos back and forth until one day she posted what she wanted as far as a relationship went. I had liked her for a while so I decided to pursue it. I brought it up and we've been having brief conversations sinc
- Aqua Season: All Aquarians, 11th Housers, Uranian Energy
Who got it????
Aqua ranks #1 in my Pullen Chart, Uranus #1, 11th house stellium