January 21, 2019
January 21, 2019 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On January 21
Topics Created On January 21, 2019
- What's your most dominant house placements?
I have 4 planets in the 9th house ( Venus, Uranus, Neptune and Saturn) and 5 planets in capricorn (sun,Venus, Uranus, saturn and Neptune).
Based on what I have read I have Sag stellium but does the signs change this?
Whats your most dominant house and
- Mars In Aries Tried to Intimidate Me?
I’m an Aries with mars in cancer and I remember this mars in Aries dude tried to punk me and I destroyed him lol i always hear how mars in Aries is the toughest / strongest mars sign yet I was still able to laugh at intimidation tactics and destroy him I
- How do men feel about being stalked?
I’m curious cuz a lot of my female friends complain that guys that they met online often turn into some sort of stalkers. Ironically, they stalk the men they are interested in as well (eg going through their ig and FB, doing background checks, driving by
- virgos and texting/messaging??
How are virgos when it comes to messaging or texting someone they like?
My virgo crush occasionally DM's me a funny photo we'd both like on instagram and when I respond to it, I never ever see the "seen" notification underneath that all Dms have when som
- Help me choose a lesbian escort.
Heading to Barcelona, Paris, Berlin, and Amsterdam for my 31st in March.
Amsterdam is home to one of the only lesbian-owned / for lesbian escort services which I read about in article posted on Vice.
Should I hire a girl for my 31st?
- What Venus, Moon, Mars, and in what house would fit best with me?
Sign: Power Rank Percent - Element Power Percent
Aries: 24.9 (10) / 7.6% - Fire: 36.1%
Taurus: 37.4 ( 7) / 4.5% - Earth: 30.8%
Gemini: 17.5 (12) / 3.1% - Air: 18.6%
Cancer: 19.8 (11) /
- What to do with a Cancer guy
We dated for a month he was doing all the chase i never asked him out sometimes i Text him he likes it.. and he was so romantic so.. and bought me gift.. emotionaly I was resisting him cause I wasn’t so into him, finally we kissed I felt good and he wante
- FWB expectations
What are the requirements/expectations of a FWB, that has gone on for awhile. I have a few my longest one currently is 6 months with a virgo, 2 months with a scorpio.
Of course you have pillow talk and friendship stuff. Personally I help with t
- Differences between Squares/Oppositions from your experience
- what’s a good tarot spread for this situation?
this guy i like and want and will have is in a karmic relationship right now. she cheated on him twice like first 2 weeks of dating. he forgave her because they were friends first and he said he understands having sex with someone (her abusive mentally/em