January 12, 2019
January 12, 2019 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On January 12
Topics Created On January 12, 2019
- Dating a Scorpio be like...
Has this been done already? Idk watch it anyways
- The pisces "______________________________________."
You fill in the blank. Help @OneMe out since he's not a good storyteller.
What should his next post be about?
What kind of twist should his story take?
Feel free to enter prospective titles here and give a synopsis.
- Earth eyecandy
Since my friend Cap and I are starting to hang out again, and sexual tension is through the roof, I’m here to chew gum, appease @_kitten_ , and throw my panties at famous fuckworthy Cap men.
I am all out of gum...
First panty toss to Hrithik Roshan (wh
- She wants to *rape* me
- You have to chose...
Lets play a little game, might be tough.
State which you prefer: Male of female of the 12 zodiac signs. (Sun only)
The only rule is you MUST chose male or female. Not both, and no skipping, even if you hate the sign...must chose either male or female.
- Aqua man & Aqua woman pairing
Any experiences?
- House placements
I've only been into astrology few a few months. I still have a lot to learn. I was reading up on Houses and working through mine. I noticed that most of my placements fall in the houses they rule (or at least, very close to it).
Am I being dumb in any wa
- new female archetype identified
need a name for this category
- 2019 DXPIL CUP Results Thread
- If you could trade one placement...
From your chart, what would it be?
I’d take a Venus in 1st house any day over my Venus in 12th. 12th house placements suck.
- Aries moon and pisces moon
Do this two moon signs match?