January 22, 2019
January 22, 2019 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On January 22
Topics Created On January 22, 2019
- Told my Aqua ex of 4 years off today
- Is it hard to climb into a hoop on those 8inch bad boy heels? You rock them well, and you’re looking good these days.
- Why are you reaching out, though? It’s not like we’re friends.
- I saw your post through a friend and wanted to say hi. I bear no ill
- These Kids Now Have Legal Representation
And have a pretty good defamation case.
Media outlets are scrambling to cover themselves. That includes "right wing" National Review who deleted a published article (but not before it was archived).
This author from the Atlantic (quelle surprise) givi
- Is it true that Aries women and Capricorn men have the best make-up sex?
Or some of the best sex in general? After a fight or an arguement, it would make sense that the two most determined signs that butt heads the most would have the most explosive, tiring, transcendent sex afterwards right? Cap's stamina keeps up with Aries
- So
How’s everyone’s life going? Mines pretty un eventful at the moment, I’m still doing a typical me and analysing things far to much. Why’s the Capricorn keep winking at me? Whyd the Capricorn and the Pisces share a look when I was talking to the Pisces? Wh
- suggest a tagline for dxp
*advertising purposes*
- How does an Aquarian forgets a Cancer?
Recently..my cancerian gf broke up with me because her parents didnt approve our marriage. And she chose her family as a priority and broke up with me. I have tried everything to make this work but everything failed. Suddenly, all those talks regarding Ca
- Will libra man fall in love with Aquarius FWB?
Hello! So I’ve been dating my libra man (FWB) for 5 months now and it’s going to be 6 months soon. When we both just started off, I got emotional attached and I told him I’ve fall for him and he immediately pulled away himself for 1-2 weeks and told me he
- Cuba
I have booked a cruise to Cuba this summer and I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions as to what to do while I'm at port. We will be in port over night in Havana so I am able to do nightlife things along with day time things. I know I dont have to
- 5 Zodiac Signs The January 2019 New Moon Will Affect The Most
If you're ready to leave behind the bajiggity energy of 2018, the January 2019 new moon (which is also happening in conjunction with a partial solar eclipse a
- A drive
I dreamt that I was riding along in a car. I was in the back seat. It was a warm, beautiful, sunny day. Driving through the country having a wonderful time. Two people up front. The driver and the passenger. Not sure who they were. The atmosphere was very
- Away from libra for 1 week
Hi there, so I am on vacation for 7 days and I told him I will be uncontactable but I am avtually testing him.. I’m just trying to get away from him because I heard of “absence makes the heart fonder” does this work on libra man? Before I’m away, we talke
- Male aquarius asked for
Hi guys
So I'm a gay guy and I've been dating this aquarius guy for over 2 months now. It started off really well, everything was really natural, we weren't texting each other like crazy, we saw each other frequently and both wanted it -- he would ask me
- Is it common for Libra rising men to look feminine or androgynous?
- Weirdest Commercials
Post the weirdest, strangest, commercials you've seen.
I find Japanese commercials to be some of the most odd and entertaining but this Korean Burger King Commercial is one of my all-time favorites!