January 19, 2019
January 19, 2019 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 5.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On January 19
Topics Created On January 19, 2019
- Tell me everything about
I wanna hear everything good and bad about Aries Female Pisces Male relationships please
- Gemini Energy and Rap Music
Rap is abbreviated for Rhythm and Poetry.
People been saying for years that some of the greatest rappers were Geminis... Now that rap is trash a fuck, pretty much anybody can be a rapper, so any sign can be a rapper.
But for a long time rapping was a se
- Chris Scarver's Cardinal Messiah Complex: The murderer of Jeffery Dahmer was a Cancer
Early life:
Scarver is the second of five children and was born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He attended James Madison High School before dropping out in the eleventh grade. Eventually his mother forced h
- 0 degree Aries
So I may have mentioned years ago that my sun is 2 hours late of being a Fish. Riding that cusp edge, literally.
Are there any leftover Rebirth cuspers here, aside from myself? There were a few of us once upon a time.
- Sexy books
Any recommendations?
- how many 1-reply threads have i started?
can somebody make a tab?
- Aquarius girlfriend staying mad at me, says she won't call anymore.
I'm in a long distance relationship with my Aquarian girlfriend for one year now. We last saw each other 2weeks ago.
Yesterday at night, she called me and I didn't pick up the phone. I later called back, we talked normally, then she raised the issue of h
- Should I be mad at my boyfriend? I need second thoughts
Yesterday for some odd reason my boyfriend posted a shirtless picture of himself on Facebook. He has a good body because he works out a lot.
He posted a picture like that once but when he was single. I got a little mad because it was a picture he had s
- Butplug
What’s the purpose of butt plug?
- Aries choice
Never thought I would make a music thread but thanks to my Aries I am back to enjoying music and hope you will as well...
‘Miracles’ Marty Bailin
No I love you dear
- Love Pisces Men
Need honest opinions please. BE Forewarned: no saint here!
Long story short I Fell completely hard in love with a Pisces 22yrs ago. It was a Six month short lived whirlwind relationship, whereas in the end he swam away because he couldn’t get his shit tog
- This woman teaches astrology
Im upset at the lack of appreciateion for one of the greatest american singer song writers and story tellers. Long islands own and one od the great taurus' of modern day. Billy fucking Joel...
- Womb Envy
[b]"Men are envious of women for that very reason, they do not have the power to create life, and thus the term womb envy was created."[/b]
Do ya'll believe this is a real phenomenon?
Have you experienced "womb envy" a
- Aries men weirdness
I didn’t want to do it but with divorce in progress and shit I am feeling somewhat fucked up!
So bare with me please. Would you?
When I’ve heard first they listen but they don’t hear...totally! But it’s kind of funny and I’ve laughed and keep la
- How to respond to a Taurus man going through a hard time?
The guy I've been involved with long distance for almost a year is going through a tough time, I think. His first love, 8 years ago, was murdered and her birthday was recently in January and the anniversary of her death is coming up in Feb.
He's never sa
- Does Saturn on the ASC make someone more or less physically attractive?
in the opposition to Libra specifically. The other ASC contacts to Mars, Uranus, and Jupiter are all wide 7-8 degree orbs trines so I'm not sure if they're even counted.