January 14, 2019
January 14, 2019 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On January 14
Topics Created On January 14, 2019
- Novena to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel- never known to fail
* O Most Beautiful Flower of Mt. Carmel, Fruitful Vine, Splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. O Star of the Sea, help me and show me herein you are my Mother. O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen
- Novena to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel- never known to fail
* O Most Beautiful Flower of Mt. Carmel, Fruitful Vine, Splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. O Star of the Sea, help me and show me herein you are my Mother. O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen
- Are you with a narcissist?
Have you ever dealt with an narcissistic person? If so how long did it take you to notice and how long did it take for you to try to move on ? What was the red flags they were giving you that made you realize they was facing themselves with a mask ? I th
- What sign(s) would you most like to treetrunk?
What sign makes you crazy?? I'll go first, I'm a cancer and I love me some Aries, Scorpios & Sagittarians males & I think cancer, taurus, and libra females are beautiful. How about you?
- Is it possible to have an energetic connection to a past lover
who you have not physically spoken to in years. I had an intimate relationship with a man years ago, things ended very abruptly and I feel as if nether one of us ever got closure from the relationship. I moved away, now I’m in a relationship with a man wh
- Does anyone else feel that every Capricorn will suffer from depression at least once in their lives?
It seems like this is a pattern I've seen in myself and the Caps around me. It's more or less severe depending on the placement of Saturn in your chart. With Saturn opposing my ASC and in my 6th house you can guess how that goes for me. 🙃
- Tropical vs Sidereal Astrology
Which one do you use?
I have been studying Tropical astrology for 3 years and at some point i came across True Sidereal from the Youtube channel Mastering the Zodiac.
I made my chart and all my first half of planets and points went one sign backwards.
- His actions are breaking my heart
My boyfriend does not put a lot of effort into our relationship. He barely calls or talks to me and to me its clear I’m not a priority at all. I’ve warned him enough times and now I’m trying to decide how to move forward.
I’ve been s
- I need advice on the right course of action. Please :(
I was seeing this Pisces man for just over a month. We hit it off immediately. Now, this fish has had a rough past. And sometimes I wondered if that would cause friction in the future- relating to his ability to let down his walls.
One night we talked ab
- On this day, a score and some nine years ago, GOATaction was born at 1:21PM.
Just another day. #CapricornSZN
- Texting
I'm involved with a Venus in Scorpio who is doing the hot and cold thing. I think it's worse because we are currently long distance and haven't had "the talk" where we define our status.
He is now doing this thing where he doesn't respond to my text for
- Venus Opposition Pluto Synastry Intense
Hello Guys 1st post here.
I have this aspect with a girl I'm currently seeing. I'm a male taurus sun and she's a pisces sun. In synastry we have venus opposition pluto (she has pluto in scorpio 25 degreee while i have venus in taurus in 15 degree) I al
- Venus Opposition Pluto Synastry Intense Taurus/Pisces
Hello Guys 1st post here.
I have this aspect with a girl I'm currently seeing. I'm a male taurus sun and she's a pisces sun. In synastry we have venus opposition pluto (she has pluto in scorpio 25 degreee while i have venus in taurus in 15 degree) I al
- Men are Visual
I am tired of hearing that men are visual. I think it’s a billshit...
If they were - fat chicls wouldn’t have a chance!
Also those like me who never get dressed to a date.
I am always chuckle hearing how women dying aboit what to wear...like you want th
- Intelligent?!
Now would intelligence be more under the Sun sign, Moon sign or Rising sign in a chart?